Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Boarding in Colorado: WOW

I've been either skiing or snowboarding since the 3rd grade and I can honestly say that there is nothing like an amazing day on the mountain.  I used to think that there wasn't anything better than a sunny, warm day at Cannon Mountain... until I went to Colorado and found Utopia (aka Vail).

A few years ago, on a trip to Florida, my dad did something crazy and purchased a time share at Breckenridge Ski Resort.  He took Becca last year and this year he took Jillian and I.  O.M.G.  

At the top of one of the bowls at Vail, there's another over the ridge

 We fly in on a Sunday and make the 2 hour drive to our condo at Breck, and are immediately transported into a different world.  The mountains are HUGE and straight up majestic they took my breath away (although, it could have also been the lack of oxygen there).  I should have known I'd be overwhelmed by the size and beauty of both Breck and Vail, but I wasn't thinking of that at the time.

Day one: Breckenridge
First day of boarding was spent at Breck and it snowed the entire day.  I've always been a decent snowboarder, I raced in college and I can tackle almost any trail on any mountain in New England (except moguls and glades, I'm not crazy).  However, the combination of being out of shape and not having enough oxygen left me panting at the end of each trail.  My dad and sister gave me enough time to unbuckle myself from my board before jumping onto the chairlift and guiding me towards yet another black diamond.  By the end of the day I was sore, exhausted, tired, and loving it. BTW we spent the entire day trying different trails and routes and only covered the left half of the mountain.

Day Two: Shopping
Day two was a day of rest, Jules and I went shopping.  She was looking for pink snow pants, I was looking for a new jacket. What we found were these delicious, homemade cookie sandwiches that we couldn't resist.  I did find a new jacket, but these cookies were the highlight of our shopping spree.  

Day Three: Vail Mountain

Top of the China Bowl, check out my new jacket!
When you first drive up to Vail, it looks like a normal ski resort with its gondolas, ski trails, and lodges.  The only difference is that it looks much larger and isn't as crowded, until you get into the gondola and see the other side and your jaw drops.  I literally sat down and cried I was so overwhelmed by its size and vertical.  You know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words?  Well, they never went to Vail.  I couldn't capture it with my phone or camera the bowls just went on forever on both sides and the mountains in the background just added to this feeling of being of being so small, lucky, and somewhat terrified. 

I have to say if it wasn't for my dad and sister, I would have turned around and spent the day on the trails of the other side of Vail.  Instead we tackled the bowls, trying one side then another, always choosing a different path.  Powder, groomed trails, trees, steep verticals, nice inclines, bowls in the middle of nowhere (Siberia Bowl) and even the flat runs.  All. Day. Long

It was the best day of boarding I've ever had.  The sun was shining, there was fresh powder and I really challenged myself.  Most importantly, my family was there and we had a fantastic time.  I was stuck more than once, with the realization of how lucky I am to be able to come out to a place like Vail and spend the entire day with my sister and my dad.  Not many people have that luxury and I hope that I can share this with my kids one day.

Jules sitting in fresh powder at the top of the China Bowl

Day Four: Back to Breck and Becoming a Lobster

After spending an entire day out in the bowls of Vail in the sun, I was cooked.  I didn't just have the "goggle tan" I had what I call a "Colorado Beard."  My face was swollen, red and bumpy; not a pleasant site.  I spent the first half of the day avoiding any sunlight out with dad and Jules on the other side of Breck before calling it a day when we came in for lunch.

That night we went beer tasting, got a little tipsy and then Jules and I went out downtown.  We returned pleasantly intoxicated only to wake-up 4 hours later, hungover and ready to make the 2 hour drive back to the airport.  

Now... I'm still rocking the Colorado Beard.  I'm dreaming of our next trip out to Colorado only this time I'll be in shape and wear sunscreen!

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