Friday, March 22, 2013

Waving Goodbye to 2 Pounds!

Since attending my own personal pity party last month, I decided it was time to turn my life around, start eating healthy and working out.  I found new recipes I wanted to try, spent hours looking through workout routines, and "Pinning" motivating images.  Much to my surprise, nothing happened and I went off to Colorado out of shape and in need of a new (larger) coat.
Jules cooking in Colorado

After 5 days of "living" with my dad and sister, I realized what I was doing wrong... I wasn't DOING anything!  My eating habits didn't change, I wasn't actually going to the gym, and those motivating images weren't changing my appearance (go figure).  While in Colorado I received a how to cook healthy (yet good) food tutorial from my family.  We made pineapple chicken, stuffed peppers, and chili and had Greek Yogurt for breakfast.  I also noticed that my sister rarely snacked and when she did... she grabbed an APPLE not the pretzels or cookies.

Now, I realize that this isn't such a revolutionary idea, but seeing it put in practice made it seem more tangible than anything else I've come across.  So... Sunday Ian and I went to the grocery store after planning a few healthy meals out.  We actually spent less than we normally would have and we had three very healthy, very easy and very yummy meals.
The best part of these meals... Ian loves them and, I've lost 2 pounds!!  Okay, okay so it might not just be the meals, but I am eating smaller portions and I'm snacking less. I haven't quite gotten into the working out aspect, I can't figure out which one is the lesser of two evils, waking up early in the morning or getting home after 8 to cook dinner. Hmmm decisions, decisions...

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