Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Girls Night Out: The Ultimate Wake-up Call

2012 has been a year of changes for me, new job, new car, new apartment, moving in with my boyfriend, and an overall new day to day schedule.  Somewhere between January 2012 and August I forgot why my life was so amazing and started really disliking (dare I say hate?) it and myself.  It's affected my friendships, my relationship and my family life, not to mention my desire to workout and look half way decent has gone out the window.  This resulted in me hitting rock bottom, my clothes stopped fitting correctly, constantly arguing with my boyfriend and family and missing out on great memories with my friends.

So, I have decided to turn it all around and document at least one moment each day that makes me realize how good I have it.  Since I don't believe in therapy (I've gone to too many therapists with no results) I'm hoping this little reminder will help pull me out of the hole I've been digging since January.  

So here it is... Golden Moment number one... Girls Night out in Boston for a birthday celebration.  Granted it was this weekend, but it was such a fantastic night followed by an epiphany that I need to document it.  <3 

The four of us met while working at Pearson 3-4 years ago and have been planning weekends away, playing Clue, making Sangria, and drinking mimosas at brunch ever since.  It's been a while since we've all gotten together and gone out in Boston for a Girls Night Out and it was so necessary.  The only rule of the night was NO JEANS or PANTS, you had to dress up and have at least one girly mixed drink before the night was over.  

During my cab ride home it hit me, I've been acting like a 40-50 year-old mom whose had a bunch of kids and is just tired.  Pretty depressing for a 26 year-old who just moved in with her boyfriend and has no kids.  

So here's to my girl friends, for reminding me that I need to act my age and enjoy it, because I will have kids one day and my Saturday nights will be filled with boring parent activities.  Until then, I look forward to being 26 and enjoying late nights and girly drinks followed by a cab ride home at 1am.  

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!! These should happen more often! I love going home and passing out while still in my night-out dress!!
