Friday, September 28, 2012

Big Bang Theory: Enough Said

Best.  Show. Ever

Honestly the image should be enough, Big Bang Theory Season Premiere... epic.

I was first introduced to this hysterical show while having dinner at a friend's house last year.  After the first episode I was hooked and I have yet to get through an entire episode without bursting out laughing, sometimes I'm even brought to tears.  

My favorite character? Is that even a legit question?  Sheldon Cooper!!!  
This extremely intelligent yet socially awkward theoretical physicist has the best one liners and facial expressions.  Despite and almost because of, his arrogance on his superior intellect and lack of social skills I find myself doubling over with laughter almost every time he is on the screen.

Ian's favorite character?  I'm going to have to say it's a tie between the beautiful and intelligent Bernadette and the adorable, woman fearing Raj Koothrapoli. Bernadette is a "smoking hot" micro-biologist who for some ungodly reason falls for the nerdy and always horny   Howard Wolowitz.  While Raj is an "awkwardly funny" Doctor of Astrophysics who cannot speak to women unless he is drunk.  Side note, I'm pretty sure he's gay, only time will tell in Season 6.

Raj and Bernadette during one of Raj's fantasies
I'm not saying that Leonard, Howard, Amy and company aren't hysterical and a joy to watch.  Each character is well written and the acting is amazing.  If you are ever looking for a half hour of pure joy and laughter, turn to The Big Bang theory (TBS), sit down and avoid taking a sip of anything while the show is on.  Unless you have no sense of humor in that case, turn on the news.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bleeding Purple & Gold in Boston

 People aren't lying when they say that the years you spend in college are some of the best years of your life.  There is something truly magical about the time of your life between sitting at the kiddie table and hosting dinner parties.  It's a time for you to be independent and free but still have that safety net of your parents/family to be there if you need help.

The 4 years I spent at JMU contain some of my fondest memories, and man did I pack them in.  I hit the ground running Freshmen year and joined every group and organization possible.  By Senior year I was working 2 jobs, had an internship, was the Marketing Coordinator of TDU, Homecoming Marketing Co-Chair, VP of the Ski and Snowboarding Club, Co Captain of an ASB program and the list goes on and on. 

However, when I graduated my superwoman days stopped and my responsibilities dwindled down to one, my job.  I cannot tell you how many times I hear myself bragging about my "JMU Glory Days" and telling people how awesome I was back then.  What do I do now?  I'm an Account Manager and I sign up for the occasional race, that's it.

 Back in June I saw a LinkedIn post about someone trying to set up a JMU Alumni Networking event in Boston.  I jumped right onto it and the event was a success, bringing more than 30 Dukes together at Tia's and then again for a football viewing party.  

Showing our JAC Cards during the WVU v JMU viewing party

After a few phone calls with the JMU Alumni office, the JMU Boston Alumni group has been rebuilt and I've moved into the role of the Executive Director.  So now, once a month I'll be meeting with the other officers to plan social and networking events and singing the JMU Fight song.  It feels wonderful to be busy after work and have an "extra curricular" again.  I'm excited and ready to let all of Boston know that we bleed purple!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shopping for Jeans: Should Size Matter

Feeling overweight started forever ago

Fact:  I am overweight
Fact: I've known this for a while
Fact: I've always tried to fool myself by trying on and squeezing my body into clothes that are too tight
Result: I feel gross and uncomfortable in 80% of all my clothes so I have no motivation to go out or get dressed up anymore

Side Note: I know this blog is supposed to be able Happy Golden Moments in my life and I'll get to that in a second, I just think a little background information makes my Golden Moment of the day make sense.

I've been "fat" for as long as I can remember and I've always compared my body to my sisters, who wouldn't?  The fact is that they received the "Skinny Genes" of the family.  My Proof?  My weight during my "in shape" days was 150, 10 pounds more than my sister during her heaviest period.  They've never made me feel uncomfortable intentionally, but it is so hard to hear them complain about their weight/body image, or watch them run around comfortable in a two piece or any of the cute outfits they look amazing in.

I've recently stopped fitting into all my jeans, and the ones I can wear are starting to tear and fall apart from too much use.  So I needed to go shopping and find new jeans stat.  The first time I stopped by the mall was with my boyfriend and after trying on 20 pairs of pants at the Gap, I swallowed tears of frustration and left without purchasing anything.

On my second trip to the mall it hit me, I can't fit into size 10 anymore, I need to accept the fact that right now I'm size 12 and maybe even a 14.  Once I accepted that fact, and started trying on size 12 instead of size 10, the jeans started fitting and my muffin top was taken down a few notches.  I left American Eagle with not one, but 3 pairs of jeans that fit like a glove, don't cut off my circulation and really compliment my butt.  Not only that but I can start wearing some of those shirt I purchased a few months ago and feel comfortable with my outfit of the day.

3 new pairs of pants from AE, Skinny Jeans included!

Now, does this mean I'm 100% okay with my size 12, 180 pound body?  Heck no, but I'm working on changing it and once I do I'll be super stoked to fit into size 10 (dare I dream to go down to an 8?) pants again.  Until then, I'm going to buy clothes that fit my body now, not worry about the actual size, and be happy with the way I look.  Confidence is key and I'm hoping it will motivate me to get back into the gym and continue eating healthy so that I can feel confident in a size 10 again.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Girls Night Out: The Ultimate Wake-up Call

2012 has been a year of changes for me, new job, new car, new apartment, moving in with my boyfriend, and an overall new day to day schedule.  Somewhere between January 2012 and August I forgot why my life was so amazing and started really disliking (dare I say hate?) it and myself.  It's affected my friendships, my relationship and my family life, not to mention my desire to workout and look half way decent has gone out the window.  This resulted in me hitting rock bottom, my clothes stopped fitting correctly, constantly arguing with my boyfriend and family and missing out on great memories with my friends.

So, I have decided to turn it all around and document at least one moment each day that makes me realize how good I have it.  Since I don't believe in therapy (I've gone to too many therapists with no results) I'm hoping this little reminder will help pull me out of the hole I've been digging since January.  

So here it is... Golden Moment number one... Girls Night out in Boston for a birthday celebration.  Granted it was this weekend, but it was such a fantastic night followed by an epiphany that I need to document it.  <3 

The four of us met while working at Pearson 3-4 years ago and have been planning weekends away, playing Clue, making Sangria, and drinking mimosas at brunch ever since.  It's been a while since we've all gotten together and gone out in Boston for a Girls Night Out and it was so necessary.  The only rule of the night was NO JEANS or PANTS, you had to dress up and have at least one girly mixed drink before the night was over.  

During my cab ride home it hit me, I've been acting like a 40-50 year-old mom whose had a bunch of kids and is just tired.  Pretty depressing for a 26 year-old who just moved in with her boyfriend and has no kids.  

So here's to my girl friends, for reminding me that I need to act my age and enjoy it, because I will have kids one day and my Saturday nights will be filled with boring parent activities.  Until then, I look forward to being 26 and enjoying late nights and girly drinks followed by a cab ride home at 1am.