Did you know that 40 when written out, is the first number spelt in alphabetical order?
Anyways, we stopped going for various reasons, mostly because of moving around and away from Davis. However, my love for trivia has not gone away and I always jump at an opportunity to see if I can put those useless facts in my brain to good use. So, when Kaitlyn and Jay asked Ian and I to join them for their night out we couldn't help ourselves.
We almost won last week, we were tied (no idea how that happened). We lost the tie breaker (see the last question) Some interesting factoids from that night.
- The turkey, tomato and avocado sandwich is no longer available, unless you request it
- German Shepherds, on average, bite more humans than any other dog.
- Marylin Monroe had a 6th toe
- Purina is the largest brand of dog food out there (they stock in in Market Basket)
- The turkey, tomato and avocado sandwich is back on the menu!
- Chinese is the most spoken language
- New York is made up of 50 islands
- Ketchup has it's own website... wait what?
Kendra: Did you know that this bottle has a QR code on it?
Kaitlyn: YES! I made Jay do it last week because I was curious!
Kendra: Oh yeah? Where did it go?
Kaitlyn: Ketchup's website
Jay: You mean Heinz's website? Ketchup isn't a brand
Kaitlyn:... yeah (laughter) it's not funny guys!
Stay tuned for more interesting factoids from trivia night with the Hilberts!
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