Monday, June 24, 2013

Strawberry everywhere and I LOVE it!!

So, I absolutely LOVE fruit, I mean who doesn't?  What are my favorite you ask?  I'd have to say, bananas, watermelon, grapes, pineapple and of course STRAWBERRIES!  So it only seems fitting that I dedicated a weekend to consuming strawberries.

It all started on Friday when Ian made a smoothie using strawberries, bananas, and blueberries.  So good and refreshing!

From there I went to book club where we had strawberries with each course.  It started off with a delicious strawberry drink, dinner was lasagne with a spinach and strawberry salad, and ended with strawberry shortcake dessert.

My wine charm, perfect for book club

Best. Dessert. Ever!

On Saturday, I went to my girlfriend's house for a gender reveal party.  When she went in to figure out the sex of the baby, she had the doctor write it on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope.  She gave this envelope to the baker, who then used either pink or blue frosting inside the cake to indicate whether it was a boy or a girl.  That way the couple has no idea and they only find out once they cut the first slice.  It was amazing to be there and share that moment with them!  (okay no strawberries, but there was a fruit salad!)
The cake, it had a fish theme

What is it?
Yay it's a boy!!!

Sunday was hot as heck, so what do I do?  Go to the lake, the beach, or stay inside?  Nope not this girl, I jumped in my car and went over to Kaitlyn & Jay's for strawberry picking.  They are so tiny, I couldn't resist chipping them up and putting them into into water for strawberry ice cubes.  So excited for my strawberry water this week!

Kaitlyn filling up the box
The Hilberts hard at work
Beautiful color and oh so sweet

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