Tuesday, June 11, 2013

HASHTAG LakeLife!!!

Seeing as how my job requires me to be on and understand the various social networks and how i have two (now three) younger sisters on Twitter, it only seems fitting that we have come up with a hashtag (#) for the summer.  We all love to be up at the lake, especially during the summer so it only seemed fitting to have #lakelife as our official motto. 

While I spent last week in VA, I did spend Memorial weekend as well as the weekend after opening up the house and enjoying Lake Winnipesaukee to kick off the summer.  

Here's a quick snapshot of the past few weekends spent at the lake.  It's going to be amazing summer!!

First boat ride of the summer.  It was so windy out!

View from the top of the fire tower of Red Hill

T and I at the top of Red Hill!  The first of many hikes this summer

Trying to capture the entire view with the iPhone, it doesn't do it justice you HAVE to be there!

Kaitlyn and Jay came up for a weekend!

Yummy drinks for lunch in Wolfeboro

Boat ride around the lake!

Words to live by, painted on the bridge going to Long Island

View from Lago of Meredith Bay, See Church Landing?

Church Landing - they have a wedding tent up, so excited!

One moment we're out on the deck, the next a crazy wind storm hits

Which is quickly followed by the sun and calm water #lakelife!

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